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Monday, September 12, 2016

BRPT 2015

Barito Pacific was founded in 1979, its name was PT Bumi Raya Pura Mas Kalimantan. The company run various business that comprises petrochemical (Chandra asri petrochemical), property (griya idola), plantation ( royal indo mandiri),industrial timber plantation ( rimba equator permai),logging and timber manufacturing (tunggal agathis indah wood). 

Company snapshot
In 2015, almost all segment sales of the company were dropped, plantation segment was an exception. The demand of commodities at global market declined due to slower growth at global, as the result of that the price of commodities dropped. The booming of shale gas industry in USA may possibly push oil price to lower rate. 

The total sales in 2015 dropped 43 % in comparison with the total sales in 2014. Petrochemical was the suffered a biggest decline which was 44 % down. However, the decline in petrochemical was not only occurred due to slower economic growth, but it was also caused by the scheduled maintenance of naphtha cracker of petrochemical unit.  The company had been developing naphtha cracker facilities during 2015 and its project was accomplished in December. The company claimed its new naphtha cracker facilities will be able to increase its capacity 43% compared with previous facilities. Petrochemical supply was probably under its demand. 

The petrochemical segment had contribution more than 97 % of total income. On other hand, this segment was the key driver of company’s performance. 

Meanwhile, Plantation segment in 2015t grew more than 200 % in comparison with its position in 2014. It was increased by the operation of new palm oil processing mill through its subsidiary PT Tintin Boyok sawit in Sekadau, West Kalimantan. 

For the property segment, Griya Idola started to build Griya Idola Industrial Park through its subsidiary, Griya Tirta Asri. The 50 hectare industrial park is located at the western tip of Jakarta. 
In 2015 the company was able to improve its net profit from negative in to 0.4 % of total sales.  

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