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Saturday, February 10, 2018


Referred to bureau of statistic center, economic growth of indonesia in 2016 was at 5.02 %, it was better than growth in 2015. Telecommunication industry was one of industry segment which experienced growth in the year, its growth stood at 8.87 % compared to previous year. Telecommunication industry started to transform to digital business. In addition, government supported to advance digital economy in indonesia.

Telkom indonesia, a state owned corporation has developed biggest infrastructure to support its business across the globe. It already has fiber optic connection over Europe until United state of America. It has SEA ME WE 5 from Merseille to dumai, it is 20.000 km length and SEA-US connecting Manado to Los Angeles with 15.000 km length. The total length of its fiber optic network was 106.000 km.

Based on its annual report it has 362.200 access point, 95.000 m2 gross facility data center, 129.033 unit BTS and tree satellites.            
Its cellular user in 2016 was 173.9 million people. It increased 14 % compared to cellular user in 2015.      

Development in infrastructure is functioned to maintain its double digit growth and also to support its technology and digital service across the world.

The leading telecommunication company, Telkom experienced double digit growth both in its income and its net profit. In 2016, its revenue was 116.333 billion.

In during 2016 the company succeeded in obtaining double digit growth in its revenue, the incremental was 13.5 %. Based on its financial statement, the highest portion of income in 2016 was contributed by revenue from data, service and internet segment. It was 51 % of total revenue. Subscribers start to consume more data and internet service as Telkom has been developing its IT infrastructure. It influences in velocity of data transfer and video streaming. Its net profit also grew higher in 2016, the company succeeded to increase its gross margin by reducing interconnection cost. 

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