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Monday, January 12, 2015


Industry Analysis

Gas Industry: Rapidly growth since 2007
Based on the data ministry of energy and mineral resources, the gas proven reserve is about 104 – 112 TSCF between in 2008 to in 2012. Natural gas is produced from several local field such as Masela, Mahakam, Natuna, west natuna, Jangkrik and Jangkrik North east blocks.
Based on Pertamina, the LPG production is beneath its demand in 2012. In that year the demand of LPG is 5.3 million MT, It is only 50 % of total demand. The rest is imported from oversea to fulfill local LPG demand. 
The gas industry was rapidly growing after Government had made energy conversion program, conversion of kerosene in to gas in 2007. As result of this, the gas industry continued to advance from 1.69 million MT to about 5.3 million MT in 2012.
For 3 – kg gas container, there is still a subsidy from government; the price is reachable by the consumer, mostly the household. The subsidy has been given since conversion program in 2007.
Government changed its regulation in natural gas trading; there will be natural gas pipe for household consumption in 2015. According to local news media, the project will be conducted by PGAS. On other hand, MRT in capital town has been using gas as its fuel and there are several gas stations in Jakarta. There may possibly more gas station for vehicle in the future.
In conclusion, the Gas industry is promising segment due the supply of LPG is below the domestic demand of LPG. The industry will continue to expand as the Natural Gas demand will be predicted to increase at the future.

Financial Analysis
This is a Natural gas refinery and processing company which has corporation with state owned oil and gas company, pertamina. The company is owned by Trinugraha Akrajaya Sejahtera with 30 % of total share, Ramaduta Teltaka with 20 % of total share, CLSA with 10 % and public with 40 % of total share.
Giribaldi Thohir, a local conglomerate, is the president director of the company. The company attains its gas supply from related parties, PT Ogspiras Basya Pratama (OBP). It has gas purchase contract with pertamina. SEP supply LPG for pertamina which is arranged in such LPG purchase agreement in particular period of time.
In 2012 the company spent a lot of cash for professional fee due to its expansion of LPG plant. Enerflex ltd was appointed as the supplier of machine and was providing services in 2013. The operating expense to sales ratio in 2012 was at 41.7 % of sales. Then in 2013 the company could reduce operating cost to sales ratio to 20.5 %. 
The company has only one business segment, it is LPG refinering. LPG product is the biggest portion of total sales in 2013 which is about 89 % of total revenue.
Large Cash to sales ratio and big contract from Pertamina
Cash to sales ratio in 2012 is about 53 %, it is lower than cash to sales ration in 2013, which is at 85 % of total sales. The company is surplus in the last several years; the LPG contract with pertamina is the main income of its business. The company enjoys the conversion of kerosene in to gas program from regulator.
Instead the cash cycle days in 2013 is slowing down than 2012, it could increase its sales at 6.9 % growth in 2013. The gross margin increases slightly from about 70 % in to 71 % in period of 2012-2013. The net profit margin of 2013 has also improved than 2012 as the company reduced operating cost. It is lifted up from 13.2 % in to 29.7 % in between 2012 – 2013.

As the economic growth in 2015 is predicted better than 2014, the gas consumption will continue to hike. According to Bloomberg the gas and oil consumption in 2004 – 2013 has average growth approximately at 7 – 8 %.
The sales growth consumption is taken at 10 % in 2014 as the company increases its capacity 55 % up from 36.300 MT per year in to 56.100 MT in 2014 and the demand of gas is above its supply. Revenue growth at the next two years is assumed at 10 % up.  On other hand the CAGR of LPG consumption is at 25 % in between 2007 – 2012. 
The activity ratio is assumed at the same rate with 2013 so do profitability ratios, other CA to sales ratio and other non CA to sales ratio.
The company is presumed spending its fund to expand its capacity with additional equipment and machine valued USD 20 millions.


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