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Monday, January 4, 2016

Bank Mega 2014


Bank Mega is a part of the CT Corporation that is owned by Chairul Tanjung and his family, an indonesia tycoon, as shown in the picture at below this article. Mega corpora as the biggest share holder owns more than 51 % of company’s total share. Bank mega formerly referred to Karman Bank and Mega Bank.
In 2014 there have a several replacements of directors. As shown in the table, the replacement may possibly happen in order to implement new strategy of the company. Hereafter, the company more concern in conducting synergy between its alliance such as transformation television, Metro Department Store and Carrefour, mostly its credit card’s facilities.
Board of Director



Kostaman Thayib

Kostaman Thayib

Madi D Lazuardi

Madi D Lazuardi

Max Kembuan

Max Kembuan

Dony Oskaria
Suparman Kusuma

Martin Mulwanto

J.G Godong
YB Hariantono

Cosmas Setiawan
Indivara Erni

Yuni Lastianto

Yuni Lastianto

Tati Hartawan

Tati Hartawan

The replacement may possibly do in order to anticipate the decline in current account and saving account in 2014 compared to CASA in 2013. In 2014 the position of current account and saving account stood at IDR 16,186 billion, it was lower than its position in 2013 that stood at IDR 19,115 billion. The decline may be incurred due to higher interest rate of time deposit in the company and other banks. Customer seemed reduce available cash for current account and saving account and they preferred put the money for time deposit I with higher rate due to increase of BI rate. In 2014 the time deposit of the company was higher compared to its time deposit in 2013.

In 2014 the positive trend on growth of loan seemed still continue, the loan growth was 14 % compared to loan amount in 2013 (gross loan). Although there was a decline in economic growth the company was able to extend its loan portfolio. With low non performing loan that stood at 2.29 %, in spite of NPL increased compared to NPL in 2013, the NPL seemed in safe zone. 

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