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Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Bank Bukopin has core of business as creditor for micro business and cooperative and also small medium enterprise. The majority of the clients are cooperatives in government institutional and state owned company in Indonesia. BUKOPIN was established in 1970, the company was a cooperative in that year, and then in 1993 the company had just changed from a cooperative in to a private company or a limited company. The company had listed in Jakarta stock exchange in 2006 and in the same year the company acquired PT Bank Persyarikatan Indonesia and Indotrans Buana Multifinance. After acquisition Bank persyarikatan Indonesia and indotrans buana multifinance changed the name as Bank Syariah Bukopin and Bukopin finance respectively.

In consumer segment the company was able to extend its credit in almost of all products in 2014 such as credit card, car financing, home financing, back to back loan and etc.
In 2014 the company increased its credit for pension from IDR 1.7 billion in 2013 up to 3.3 billion or advanced more than 100 % compared to loan  in 2013. Other loans for micro segment commonly decreased as a slowdown in economic growth in 2014. the decreased segment were credit for heavy equipment, KUR, Small medium enterprise partnership, credit for sugar financing and etc. in spite of those loan decreased the overall gross loans in 2014 had increased 14.6 % up.

Meanwhile in funding side, the company could increase its fund from customer in 2014 more than 17% compared to 2013. It collected more fund from the client with more expensive interest cost due to the rise of BI rate in 2014. Customer tends to save fund once the bank offers attractive interest rate of deposit product. I step with funding side; the interest rate of its loan product was also rose. The average loan to interest income ration in 2014 climbed from 12.5 % in 2013 up to 13.9 %.

Based on annual report in 2014, the shareholders consist of Kopelindo ( 25.66%), Government (11.44%),Bosowa ( 22.43%) and  public ( 40.49%). 

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