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Sunday, June 26, 2016

EXCL 2015


In 2013 the company acquired axis, its competitor, to strengthen its position in the market. It could be seen in its asset, it increased sharply in 2014, from idr 40.3 trillion in to Idr 63.6 trillion. The company completed the acquisition of Axis on April 2014.

In 2015 the company may revamp its positioning in the market with dual brand strategy, the company opted to develop Axis brand in the same segment. Axis has brand image as less cost product for subscriber, the company launched axis brand with new form, and color of its brand name is changed in to purple. The company did not erase the brand from its portfolio.

While XL brand tends to recognized as innovative product for the customer, it always provides new technology and product in almost every year. In 2015 there were many innovative products that offered such as M-Fish, advanced M-Ads, Sisternet, E-learn future leaders.Ladyjek and Digibiz.
Among of its innovative product tend to be made for specific market such as Sisternet and Laadyjek are produce for female. In the future the company may choose to provide more product s for female to win the competition with other competitor such as Telkom, Indosat and 3.

In 2015 company experienced 3% declined in its sales due to decline in several segment of business compared to sales in 2014. One of segment which dropped was income from lease. On other hand, the company was able to increase its ARPU (average revenue per user) from Idr 28,000 in to idr 41,000 or increased more than 46 %.

The company added its infrastructure facilities in 2015, it comprised 6,770 BTS and 863 km of fiber optic transmission. XL is also planning to modernize its infrastructure technology to support its business.

In 2015 total asset dropped 7 % in comparison to total asset in 2014, the decrease was occurred because of decline in cash and cash equivalent, the company paid several debts off.  In 2015 the company ought to rise fund from sukuk.
The net loss in 2015 was occurred because of the depreciation of rupiah currency to US dollar.

Cooperation with other companies
XL Axiata has launched product of Rekening HP which was cooperated with Bank Mandiri in 2015. The company also cooperated with its ally, CIMB, launched on account powered by XL. The company focus to acquire high value customer.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

PGAS 2015

The slowdown global economic growth decreased the demand of oil price, as the result of that the price of LNG declined in 2015. For indonesia, the GDP growth of 2015 is at 4.7 %, it was beneath the GDP growth of 2014 which is at 5 %. The same condition is also occurred in China, its growth is slower in 2015.

As the result of that the contraction on demand decreased the volume of sales in 2015. The volume declined from 865 MMSCFD in 2015 to 802 MMSCFD in 2014. The total revenue declined 5.7 % in 2015 in comparison with the revenue in 2014. The company is operating in both upstream and downstream through its subsidiaries. The biggest revenue is resulted from the industry segment which is almost 98 % of total revenue.  

The company started to build refueling gas station in 2015 at several locations across indonesia. besides that, the company tried to expand its segment for household. It has supplied natural gas to more than 12,727 houses in indonesia. Natural gas has better advantage than LPG, it was safer and cleaner than LPG. In 2015 the company has 6000 kilometers of transmission and distribution channel include new 201 km of first segment pipe from the gas field at Kepodang to Tambak Lorok, Semarang.

The company increased its loan in 2015 in order to establish the project as mentioned at above and to acquire new block in Kalimantan island. Through its subsidiary in upstream segment, Saka Energy, it purchased the block of Muara Bakau from GDP suez exploration ind BV with price amounted to USD 70.9 million. The financial leverage fell from 50.5 % in 2015 in to 46.5 %.