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Thursday, May 26, 2016

TLKM 2015

TLKM: development of IT Infrastructure as key success factor of double digit growth

In 2015 Telkom attained high growth rate in its revenue which is at 14.2 % compared to revenue in 2014. The biggest portion of revenue came from data, internet and IT service, it was more than 46.7 % of total revenue at 2015. It exceeded revenue from cellular which was at 36.4 % of total revenue.
In cellular segment, Indonesia has more than 340 million subscribers; Telkom acquired more than 47 % of total market share. The market shares of competitors which consist of indosat, Htchison and XL Axiata subsequently are at 21 %, 16% and 13 %.            

In data, internet and IT services revenue in 2015 increased more than 26.5% compared to its revenue in 2014. The growth was participated by indihome subscribers, data cellular and internet revenue. The subscriber of mobile broadband increased from 31.2 million users in 2014 to 43.8 million users in 2015. The new adopted technology of smart phone may be possibly support the product.
For satellite segment, the company plans to replace recent satellite with new satellite that has wider range of coverage. Telkom 3S, its new satellite, is able to cover region of asia pacific and india.
The trend of revenue tend to not follow the economic growth, the slower of economic growth in indonesia in 2015 is not influencing the revenue growth of the company. The revenue experienced double digit growth, indeed. The increase may be probably occurred due to wider range of IT infrastructure over the islands in archipelago, as the result of that the company experienced double digit growth due the growth of subscribers in cellular service, mobile broadband service and etc.
The company set its position as the leader in digital industry, they allocated its fund to build IT infrastructure in each sector that comprises land, air and sea. In 2015 the company established the undersea fiber optic broadband highway from aceh to papua. Through this infrastructure the customer in papua, sulawei and Maluku islands are able to access better internet data connection service. The company has also built more than 100 thousands 3G and 4G BTS.

Bundling Product with Citibank: Citi-Telkomsel Credit card

In 2015Citibank launched its innovative product, it is a bundling product between Banking product and telecommunication company’s product, Citi-Telkomsel Credit Card, the claimed that the product is the first bundled credit card product in indonesia (annual report Citibank, page of 15). Telkomsel is also having partnership with other state owned bank such BRI, BTN and etc. 

Saturday, May 14, 2016

GGRM 2015

Company analysis
In 2015 the company attained positive growth in its revenue, although its export revenue declined. Cigarette is the main product of the company, in 2015 its contribution is more than 98 %, and another type of product is paperboard, entertainment and etc. the machine made cigarette is still dominated as its biggest contributor of its revenue, which is 90 % of total sales. Hand rolled clove cigarette is only contributing 8.3 % of total revenue.  

Accordance to annual report, the volume of revenue declined as the economic growth in 2015 was not performed as expectation. The volume of the revenue in 2015 is 78.6 billion bars; it is less than the volume in 2014 which is at 80.6 billion bars. Besides that, the volume of the revenue declined due to weakened purchasing power of consumer. The 7.9 % growth in revenue is occurred due to higher price of product.

In 2104 the company established surya abadi semesta, subsidiary which is expected producing e-cigarette in the future. In 2015 it was not commencing its commercial activities yet. Almost of the kretek market declined in its volume of sales except SKM full flavor which rose 8.9 %. Government has made tight policy for cigarette industry either in its excise duty or in its advertising policy.

In 2015 the company launched new product, Surya Pro Mild brand. This product may be as the rejuvenation of Surya Pro series which its life cycle may be possibly at maturity. It consider to not add its capacity of production yet at recent. 

UNVR 2015: New Factory for BANGO and ROYCO

In 2015, the company was able to increase revenue 5.7 % up compared to revenue in 2014. The biggest contributor was given by Home and Personal care product. Although its product experienced slower growth in its sales which was at 3.2 % compared to its sales in 2014 that was at 9.8%. People may probably cut their expense for home care since the price of the basic foods increased. The cycle of the product may be at mature cycle, the company rejuvenated the product with new variance.
On other hand, the revenue growth of food and refreshment product increase in double digit that was 12.1 % in 2015. The company opened new factory to produce Bango and Royco. Both of them are market leader on each segment. The factory has annual capacity to produce 7 million units and it is located on 6300 meter square area.

Bango App, LeverEdge & GT Next Gen
The company is also developing digital application for its buyer, it builds Bango app which is contained information about food culinary and etc. the company intends to engage the customer and also to increase brand equity through digital campaign.

In the end of 2015, the company was also implementing GT Next Gen for traditional stores. GT Next Gen helps the shop owner to manage store in its availability of stock and help the store owner to improve its lay out store. GT Next Gen supports traditional store to compete with modern store in winning the competition.

In its business operation, the company has LeverEdge, within this application the sales team and distributor could make better decision in delivering the goods. The distribution is improved more accurate and more efficient.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

TGKA 2014

Company analysis
The company is operating as distributor of principals such as Sari Husada, Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera, Kimberly clark, Colgate and etc. besides that, the company also has trade mark which is familiar in the market such as Blue Gaz, Crystal dentiss and Tira S&D System.

Food and consumer product is dominated its revenue composition during last 5 years. Other segments were Gas (LPG) and Kitchen tool, but these segments are still small in its amount compared to food and consumer product. The Compound average growth of revenue during the period of 2011-2014 is at 9.9 %. In 2014 the growth of revenue was more than 15 % compared to revenue in 2013. The company is also selling books in its trading business.

The two biggest principals in 2014 were Sari Husada and Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera. Several of its principals committed to replace the obsolete goods with the new one. Based on its financial statement in 2014, the biggest asset of the company was its trade receivable which was amounted to IDR 1.08 trillion in 2014. The biggest portion of trade receivable was at the current position; it was more than 65 % of total trade receivable. That means the business activities 

Java is the major place of its business activities, the second is sumatera. The access of road and infrastructure may be as the reason for concentrating in Java and Sumatera. At those islands, the inhabitants are also higher than other islands.

Based on central statistic bureau, the wholesale and retail trade sector has been growing over the last five years. Its CAGR is approximately at 6.1 %. The growth in demand of consumer goods may be possibly increase the growth of the sector.  

The company also acted as manufacture of principals, it has several cooperation agreement to produce the product of the principal such as Soho’s milk product, Sari Husada’s milk product, Anlene,Boneto milk product, produgen milk product and etc. The company earned manufacturing fee from the cooperation agreements. Among of the product in cooperation agreement is instant milk product.